Partnership, Corporate And Limited Liability Company Disputes

Your case will receive our undivided attention

We handle business disputes in Irvine, Newport Beach, CA, and statewide

Business partnerships, LLCs, and other corporate structures often face conflicts that can threaten their operations. Thankfully, you needn’t search far and wide for a dedicated business litigation attorney. The Raitt Law Firm collaborates with clients to resolve business disputes over a variety of matters. Our attorney has been practicing law since 1975, making him a trusted source of legal counsel in Irvine, Newport Beach, CA, and statewide. Call 949-854-8380 today to take the first step toward a satisfactory resolution to your partnership, corporate or LLC dispute.

  • Residential real estate transactions

Partnership, Corporate & Limited Liability Company Disputes Attorney in Irvine, California

No one forms a partnership, corporation, or limited liability company expecting that things will go bad. No one, that is, but their counsel. When things do go bad, as they often do, you need to make sure that you are positioned to limit your potential liability, minimize your exposure, and extricate yourself from a bad situation. The Raitt Law Firm knows and understands your options, what strategies will and will not work, and will work to quickly and efficiently “stop the bleeding” so you can get on with your life and your business.

A scale of justice and a judge 's gavel are on a wooden table.

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